When the stone is ready to pop out of the mold, find a surface to place it where it won’t be disturbed. Lay some pencils down where the stone will cure. You’ll place your stone on those pencils which will allow air to flow under the stone and help it in its final stage of curing and drying.
Carefully turn the mold over and set it on the pencils. Then lift the mold. Your mold will probably come right off with little trouble. If it needs a little coaxing, press on the center very gently.
Immediately peel off the resist and wipe the glass. Sometimes the DiamondCRETE will seep under the edges of the resist a little bit, but this is not a problem. Just take a rag and wipe it away. Get the glass cleaned off real well. Then inspect the surface, especially between the pieces. You may notice a few little holes where air got trapped. Simply take a teaspoon full of dry mix, add a few drops of water to get a good consistency, and fill the hole. Wipe the stone smooth. That should do it!
Let the stone continue to cure undisturbed for a full month. After that time, it will have reached its full strength and will be ready for waterproofing.